Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pancakes--Molly age 12

I probably shouldn't say anything about her hair. 




Finished Product. 

Molly's Take:  I liked the jam.  I also learned what buttermilk is (the leftover part of the cream when you make butter).

Amy's Take:  Molly has been away at a couple of different camps for the last few weeks.  I had big plans for when she got home.  She was going to make something with basil, tomatoes and zucchini (big surprise, huh?).  But then I put Lucy down for an afternoon nap and fell asleep myself and slept soundly until 6:30.  Our options were few since we had swimming lessons at 7:30.  So, we had pancakes from a mix (leftover from our family reunion).  With homemade freezer jam. 

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