Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chicken Breast Done Her Way--Sandra age 10

Icky raw meat and Sandra's hand.  They look creepily similar. 

Finished Product. 

Sandra's Take:  I cut up pieces of chicken and sprinkled Italian seasoning on them.  I think I did a good job. 

Amy's Take:  We were without internet for a few days.  The repairman said that the cables in some kind of box a half block away from us were eaten up by squirrels.  I've  thought that Grinnell, Iowa is home to the largest bunch of gluttonous squirrels in the world.  And the fattest.  Really.  Our first year here the squirrels in our yard ate our entire jack-o-lantern off of our front porch.  There was only the base left.  Last year the squirrels ate half my garden--green tomatoes, tiny watermelon, they didn't care.  Now they are eating our internet access. I just need to get up my gumption, reduce the squirrel population and put some variety in our dinner time meats. 
           Sandra made chicken by herself.  I was worn out and grumpy.  I told her to put "whatever you want from the spice cupboard"  on it and to use our handy dandy George Foreman.  She couldn't find anyone to take pictures for her, and so did it herself.  That picture up there of the chicken and her hand makes me even more nervous when I realize that she had a camera in her other hand.  I wondered later if I'd made a mistake by giving her insufficient directions.    But, she just used Italian seasonings and washed her hands sixteen times.   It was fine.  We had sliced tomatoes and stir fried zucchini with it.  Probably our 28th straight meal with zucchini. 


  1. I think I've got a recipe for squirrel stew.

  2. Wow, thanks a lot. I am not so worried about cooking or eating the squirrel--more worried about catching, killing and skinning.
