Sunday, June 3, 2012

Chicken Nuggets, French Fries and Strawberry Fool--Smith age 4

All floured up and ready to bake.

Lots of potatoes

This is really hard work. 

Finished Product--Best dessert EVER!! 

Smith's Take:  I saw chicken nuggets and french fries in a book.  It was hard work.  I liked the chicken nuggets.  I LOVED my dessert.  That's all. 

Amy's Take:  Smith has a rather limited attention span and he has a line that he uses over and over to try and get out of unwanted tasks.  "I can't make my bed!  I AM TOO HUNGRY!"  "I can't pick up my toys!  I AM TOO HUNGRY!"  This week it was "I can't make dinner!  I AM TOO HUNGRY!"  Sometimes the world just doesn't work the way we'd like it to. 

Last year Smith stuck mostly with arranging fish sticks on a cookie sheet.  For his first dinner this year he picked chicken nuggets and french fries out of the cookbook.  And strawberry fool.  Strawberry fool is divine.  The recipe we used called for four cups of pureed strawberries, 3/4 cup of sour cream (we used light), whipped cream,  and 2 TABLESPOONS of sugar.  I gave Smith a taste, he shuddered, and we added more sugar, lots more.  This recipe has a better balance of sweetness.  It was a perfect summertime dessert.

And in case you wanted to know...this is how I make chicken nuggets:
I cut up chicken breasts in to chunks--maybe 5-8 chunks per breast.  I put flour into a paper or ziploc bag and add five or six chunks of chicken.  Then I shake them up until they are thoroughly coated in flour.  I put some oil in the bottom of a pan--maybe an 1/8 inch thick.  Then I roll the floured chicken pieces in the oil so that both the top and bottom have been dampened by the oil.  Repeat until I've used up all of the chicken chunks.  Then I sprinkle Lawry's Seasoning Salt over the chicken.  Bake at 400 for 20 minutes.  I like them a little crispy so I let them bake a little longer.  If you are Smith and like them less crispy you should take them out at 20.  This was kind of a messy process with Smith--we washed hands at least 14 times--and you can see in above pictures that he had to change his shirt before we ate dinner.

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